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The best and best natural treatment for sciatica pain in Sharjah

Visits: 3665
Gold priority
Country: UAE
Region: Sharjah
sciatica sciatica ▫️▪️
The sciatic nerve, which is the sciatic nerve, which is the sciatic nerve, which is the limb of the patient.
 Nerve roots of the lower back.
✅ Causes of sciatica?
Lumbar stenosis.
⭕ Herniated disc.
Muscles in the lower back or buttocks.
Wearing heels for long periods of time.
⭕ Sitting for long periods and lack of movement.
Sleeping on a mattress that is too firm or too soft.
✅ Symptoms of sciatica?
Lower back, lower back.
⭕ Feeling of tingling or burning.
Feeling very numb.
Difficulty moving the leg or foot.
Physical therapy to mark the patient's condition.
The basics of the treatment plan to:
Felt pain and return to normal movement.
Work the area around the muscles.
Strengthen all the muscles of the lower back and pelvis to eat.
Provide all advice and instructions to avoid re-injury.
Private Care Physiotherapy Center - Private Care Physiotherapy Center
Tel: 065591566-Mob: 0501193009
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