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The best and cheapest physiotherapy center for shock wave therapy in Sharjah and Ajman

الزيارات: 114
الذهبي priority
البلد: الإمارات
المنطقة: عجمان
Private care center for physical therapy
The center treats bone conditions, spinal and joint injuries, post-fractures, osteochondrosis, and vertebrae lift.
   In addition to sports injuries and rehabilitation of athletes. ⛹️‍♂️⛹️‍♂️
  Specialized in treating nerve conditions, hemiplegia, quadriplegia, and seventh nerve infection.
Intensive treatment for children with special needs
                                          Private care center services for physical therapy:
✔️ Treatment of all nerve conditions (hemiplegia, quadriplegia, stroke, and seventh nerve)
✔️ Physiotherapy for all spinal conditions (herniated disc of the new vertebrae - stone lumbar vertebrae)
✔️Physical therapy: shoulder, neck and shoulder pain, post-fracture rehabilitation and surgeries.
✔️ A specialized unit for treatment and rehabilitation after cruciate ligament and meniscus surgery.
✔️ Rehabilitation of all cases of sports injuries to athletes, such as torn ligaments, muscle inflammation, and cruciate ligament
✔️Shockwave treatment
Private care center for physical therapy
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